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Are YOU Ready

for the NEW Refrigerants?

AC Equipment with new refrigerants will be shipping sooner than you think.


These new refrigerants are classified as Mildly Flammable and will change how you work.


Delayed to 2025 & Beyond...

The Industry has seen a delay in these changes, so stay tuned!

The HVACR Association of Louisiana wants its members to be fully prepared for changes in the refrigerant arena that are coming down the pipeline!  One of our major goals for the next year will be to focus on these changes and train our members appropriately!


Summary of refrigerant changes:

  • Phase-out of R-22 refrigerant by the EPA.  Supplies are very limited now.

  • Phase-out R-410A. No more equipment manufactured with this refrigerant by January 1, 2025.  Existing R410A split system equipment manufactured before January 1, 2025 can be installed until January 1, 2026.  Existing R410A packaged equipment (i.e. residential packs, WAC, PTACs, Dehums) can be installed until January 1, 2028.

  • Due to global warming regulations, we are forced to use Mildly Flammable A2L’s such as R-32, R454B, and R452B to name a fewThis means changes to install, service, storage, transporting, recovering, charging, and handling – not to mention the tools you will need to do these tasks will now need to be listed to handle those A2L refrigerants.

  • Additional phase-outs and/or bans of several common refrigerants such as R134a, R410A, and R407C are expected to go into effect over the next few years.


How can you tap into these initiatives?

By joining our association so you can be apprised of these changes through our:

  • Newsletters

  • Training Programs

  • Camaraderie and sharing of information with an elite group of HVACR contractors

  • Industry partnerships

History of refrigerant changes:


  • A phase-out of R-22 refrigerant by the EPA/Environmental Protection Agency included a ban on the production and import of this refrigerant beginning around 2010.


  • This phase-out caused the HVACR industry to redesign systems to accommodate R-410A (which is a chlorine-free refrigerant.)


  • Due to global warming regulations, another amendment (Kigali) was proposed to begin in the 2020s to further phase down the use of high GWP refrigerants such as R-410A, with the leading replacement being Mildly Flammable A2L’s such as R-32, R454B, and R452B to name a few.  This means changes to install, service, storage, transporting, recovering, charging, and handling – not to mention the tools you will need to do these tasks will now need to be listed to handle those A2L refrigerants.


  • The purpose of this directive was to increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse emissions under the GWP initiative (Global Warming Potentials.)


  • The EPA/Environmental Protection Agency has formed a SNAP Program (Significant New Alternatives Policy) under Section 612 of the Clean Air Act which requires the EPA to evaluate substitutes for ozone-depleting substances


  • Additional phase-outs and/or bans of several common refrigerants such as R134a, R410A, and R407C are expected to go into effect over the next few years.

Mailing address:  

Jerome St. Pierre, State Treasurer

152 Ponderosa Street

St. Rose, LA 70087

State Association Manager:  

Leslie Davis

Mobile: 225-400-8476

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